Best way to learn any language


I am going to tell you that what the actual way speaking or learning of speaking English from simple ways.In many sites and YouTube I have seen that Speaker say that for learning English we have to do this,that e.t.c.But most simple way is-----


Whenever you go in Interview s and giving introduction the most Basic thing is to speak in English.
English is most valuable language in view of official purposes.

How to learn Speaking any language?

When a person think to learn Speaking language the mistake is mostly done is he/she thinks that learn first Noun,Pronoun, adjective e.t.c. of those languages.
But this is Not true

You have seen that a child who doesn't learn about noun,pronoun e.t.c.but he can speak his language.
His mother didn't tell him that this is noun or pronoun and other things.She speak the sentence in simple way and child learn the word in few times.

So,The conclusion is speaking English or any language not belong to noun ,pronoun.

What we have to do ?

1.First thing you have to do that is unmemorise the thing that noun,pronoun is needed to speak That language.
And learn word of this language firstly.
2.Try to think in mind in those language you want to learn.

3.If you are big fan of movie then you definitely learn this very fast.

What this means?
4.listen some dialogues of film parts in your language after that change the audio in those language you want to learn and repeat the same scene one again in those language.

5.After that you try to speak these language and dialogues with your friends.

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